Are Skin Care Claims True?

Among the thousands of skin care products on the market, virtually all of them make amazing claims.  Some of them are true.  Which ones?

Here are some things to think about when comparing skin care products:

  • Scientifically based rather than cosmetically based.
  • Quality of the ingredients, especially the active ingredients.
  • Concentration of the essential ingredients. Just because a product label states "ingredient x" doesn't mean it's in sufficient concentration within the formulation to deliver the desired results.  For example, is it 1% or 20%?  Or somewhere in-between?
  • Look for powerful anti-oxidants, strong anti-inflammatory ingredients, and anti-pollution (protection) properties.
  • Make sure it's non-comedogenic - doesn't block or clog pores.
  • Made in the USA, where standards and expectations are highest.

With these parameters in mind, you'll be able make better choices in skin care with greater assurance of achieving the claimed and expected results..

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